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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ron Garan, former NASA astronaut and Chief Pilot for World View's flights, is doing an AMA on Friday, March 11th at 2PM EST

Some info about World View:"World View’s high-altitude balloon lets Voyagers gently soar for hours on end in a comfortable, smartly-outfitted, specially designed space capsule. World View Voyagers can now gaze upon these spectacular, life-changing vistas for the first time, as they sail along the frontier of space.World View also provides new opportunities for research and education pursuits. Our platform presents a variety of advantages over orbital and rocket-based suborbital options, allowing researchers a shirtsleeves environment in which to conduct experiments, as well as an opportunity for a unique education experience."He will be discussing his experience as an astronaut, his future plans as Chief Pilot and about World View in general. Probably have some cool pictures from their balloon flights. Would also be a great opportunity for those interested in space, astrophotography, NASA, and similar things.Check it out in /r/IAmA on Friday at 2PM EST and ask some questions! via /r/spaceporn

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