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Saturday, March 5, 2016

meow irl

it's meowth, I'm the rules.The purpose of this sub is to post "felines of the soul", images or videos or other links that you find represent you, the kind of thing where someone who knows you would see what you're linking to and think "yea that's definitely a cat."We're not r dogs. Posts should reflect who you are, which is a cat.We're not r aww. Don't play act as a cute kitty if that's not what u are.We're not like the rest of reddit, as we actually expect people to be cats.those are vague mission statement kind of things to guide good posting. the hard and fast rules are:Don't post things degrading to tabbies, alley cats, rare breeds, those without all their paws, and gender and sexual meoworities.We already remove NSFW posts (because it breaks the "meow irl" naming rule), but even if it's technically safe for work don't post something openly sexual or of cats in heat.Don't post things that actually are of you, or your human.please report anything, the worst thing that could happen is that we just ignore it.we may remove posts at any time for any reasons. you can message the mods if something comes up.this is the post where the rules were blatantly stolen from, check the comments for questions and also read for more reasons as to why things be as they bealso while the one rule in the sidebar is simple enough here is a post about naming your posts, just replace me with meowmods are volunteers, don't expect speedy customer service. or any.thats it! thank you for posting, now get out of my house. via /r/MEOW_IRL

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